The academic year it is almost over, it is November now, and this was the last week of class that I have, it was really tiring, but I have to admit that in part was a consequence of all the academic year, specially the second semester. This was my second year in the university, so I curse the third and four semester and in general way it wasn´t so bad, but it was really worse that my first year, and specially this second semester of my second year I wasn´t motivate for study, so my academic performance it was much lower than all the others semester.
At first of the year I wasn’t so motivate for study, but any way I did, and I study at late in night, I read almost every text and it was a good semester in the academic aspect, I did not do any final text, and I have good scours. I think that one of the things that influence in that I wasn’t to motivate was that the signatures that I have it wasn´t really to my interest , except one or two, at difference then when I start my first year, that every signatures it look interested, because it was all new. I think that between the few things that I like was my dance class, that it was a extra signature, that was compulsory, but it works really fun. If a review my second semester I was really loose for study, I think that my motivation it wasn’t exist , even with my favorites signatures, I can´t wake up early in the morning, so I come late to class, or in the night I sleep early and I don´t study enough. That was really important, because my marks was a lot lower that the all other semester.
If a review my academic year, related with my first year, in a conclusion way I can see that my motivate for study has been increasingly falling, but that is not that I don’t like the carrier or anything like that, it simply that I wasn’t tired in a general way, and put my energy in study it was really hard. But I learn that I have to study with more time, to in that way I don’t have to study desperately the last week, and I have two weeks extra for vacation, because I don present any final test, it is a good moral to learn.
viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
Challenges in my discipline
I study psychology, and the challenges that haves this carrier is very related with social matters, in many aspects.
First of all, psychology lies within the social science, an as one of this areas it is in volt in many studies about social problems. The psychology haves different areas of study, one of this it is the community psychology, an this one have huge challenges, because it is very in volt with the problems that the people haves in many aspects, and one of the biggest challenges is proposed it is can understand and help the people with this problems in many aspects of hers life. This psychology it is related with the social psychology, and other challenge that presents from this perspective it is can aboard this social problems from the perspective of the people, and not only as psychology as a science. Actually this it is one of the biggest challenges that haves as social science, can work with the people and to the people. In the many areas that have the psychology can work with the people in a good way it is one of the principal aspects to aboard, so it is one of the biggest challenges. In the clinical psychology the challenge it is always changing, but the principal it is find better treatments and answers to the problems of mental health.
For other side, are challenges in the aspects of the education that we receive, and this it is fundamental for later practice as a psychologist. One of this challenges it is can be updated in the many researches in psychology, because the most are from USA or Europe, and are written in English, so we have to or read in this language or we stay really late of the information that it is being used. So in the aspect of the education, the challenge it is like in others carrier it is treat of have the best access to the information, and treat to be in a good place to learn.
First of all, psychology lies within the social science, an as one of this areas it is in volt in many studies about social problems. The psychology haves different areas of study, one of this it is the community psychology, an this one have huge challenges, because it is very in volt with the problems that the people haves in many aspects, and one of the biggest challenges is proposed it is can understand and help the people with this problems in many aspects of hers life. This psychology it is related with the social psychology, and other challenge that presents from this perspective it is can aboard this social problems from the perspective of the people, and not only as psychology as a science. Actually this it is one of the biggest challenges that haves as social science, can work with the people and to the people. In the many areas that have the psychology can work with the people in a good way it is one of the principal aspects to aboard, so it is one of the biggest challenges. In the clinical psychology the challenge it is always changing, but the principal it is find better treatments and answers to the problems of mental health.
For other side, are challenges in the aspects of the education that we receive, and this it is fundamental for later practice as a psychologist. One of this challenges it is can be updated in the many researches in psychology, because the most are from USA or Europe, and are written in English, so we have to or read in this language or we stay really late of the information that it is being used. So in the aspect of the education, the challenge it is like in others carrier it is treat of have the best access to the information, and treat to be in a good place to learn.
sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009
In my free time...
The activitites I enjoy the most when I have some free time are wach movies or tv shows, I like can talk for long time with my friends, and other thing that I enjoy it is can walk for some place, like a square.
Generally I dont have the time to do things that actually are simple, like wacht movies, becuse or I prefere sleep for example and don´t wacth tv. But when I have free time I love can see a good movie, or not so good, but I like can see it, and if it is with friends it is so much better!!. I like cook french fries with my friends and after that see the movie, in a house not in the cineit is one of my favorites things to do. And I like to when I¨m alone warch my favorties tv shows, that generally I can n ot see, and I never can faloow the plot of the series, but anyway I enojoy wachting it. But I see more movies then series, but sadly I dont see a movie a long time ago.
Other thing that I enjoy when I have free time it is talk woth my friends, actually it is the things that I usually do, but when you should doing a work it is different, because you are hurry, and not so relax as when you dont have nothing to do. The trhuth is that always it is nice do it, but when you can be completely relaxed and talk withot worries it is so muth better. And are people that I dont see much for not have free time, or are conversation really short.
And finally other thing thah I enjoy do in my free time it is can out to a square or something like that, especially with my son, because in the week I can not out with hem, for be late in my house, so it is not like to go out, but in the weekend it is different, bacause I have more time, and we can out, or somtime we only stay in the house, and give a round the block, and at the final of the walk we stay a while in a square.
Generally I dont have the time to do things that actually are simple, like wacht movies, becuse or I prefere sleep for example and don´t wacth tv. But when I have free time I love can see a good movie, or not so good, but I like can see it, and if it is with friends it is so much better!!. I like cook french fries with my friends and after that see the movie, in a house not in the cineit is one of my favorites things to do. And I like to when I¨m alone warch my favorties tv shows, that generally I can n ot see, and I never can faloow the plot of the series, but anyway I enojoy wachting it. But I see more movies then series, but sadly I dont see a movie a long time ago.
Other thing that I enjoy when I have free time it is talk woth my friends, actually it is the things that I usually do, but when you should doing a work it is different, because you are hurry, and not so relax as when you dont have nothing to do. The trhuth is that always it is nice do it, but when you can be completely relaxed and talk withot worries it is so muth better. And are people that I dont see much for not have free time, or are conversation really short.
And finally other thing thah I enjoy do in my free time it is can out to a square or something like that, especially with my son, because in the week I can not out with hem, for be late in my house, so it is not like to go out, but in the weekend it is different, bacause I have more time, and we can out, or somtime we only stay in the house, and give a round the block, and at the final of the walk we stay a while in a square.
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
My faculty
I think that my faculty it is not the best, but if you compare with the others faculties of the campus it is one of the best. I think that are many thinks that the faculty could improve, but obviously some are more important than others, and some are more expensive too.
I think that in general the faculty works fine, but for example at the final of semester the computer room collapse, and you never can find a computer to do your works. And other problem it is with the classroom when rains.
I think that this two things have their solution in invest more money to the maintenance of the faculty, but I have to say that recently put more computers and that resolve a little the problem, and it is much less the people that it can works in they. As I can`t do anything really to fix that, the only thing that I can do it is suggest maybe to the decant or to the people that administrate the finance, but I suppose that they think in this things too . I think that this things are really probable that happens, and that obviously they have to fix, but are other things that I think that it is more difficult that actually made, like put sofas in the hall of the faculty, that are not really necessary to study.
I think that this are things really basics that you need to have in your university, so the benefits that you have to this it will be many, like not be worry for cannot print you’re work at time.
I think that in general the faculty works fine, but for example at the final of semester the computer room collapse, and you never can find a computer to do your works. And other problem it is with the classroom when rains.
I think that this two things have their solution in invest more money to the maintenance of the faculty, but I have to say that recently put more computers and that resolve a little the problem, and it is much less the people that it can works in they. As I can`t do anything really to fix that, the only thing that I can do it is suggest maybe to the decant or to the people that administrate the finance, but I suppose that they think in this things too . I think that this things are really probable that happens, and that obviously they have to fix, but are other things that I think that it is more difficult that actually made, like put sofas in the hall of the faculty, that are not really necessary to study.
I think that this are things really basics that you need to have in your university, so the benefits that you have to this it will be many, like not be worry for cannot print you’re work at time.
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009
Music in my life
If do I like music? Of course that I love music!!. I think that almost no one can not enjoy music. In my case I don’t know what kind of music is my favourite. I like many groups of different kind of music, and almost always I listen to them by periods, and when I like a song of a group I listen and listen to it over and over, until I get bored, and I have to change the song or the group. Recently I have been listening to Kevin Johansen especially, and I have not got bored of hem.
I think that the music is really important, at last for me, because I really enjoy the moments in my life when I can have the time to listen to the music that I like, for example, when I have to do something that I don’t like, as tiding up my room, or doing a work in the computer, I do them with music, it is 100% better than without music.
In general, I listen to music when I relax with friends, or when I have to travel on the bus, if I do it with music it is like I have time to relax before to get to my house to study for example.
I think that the music is important for health because it can help the people, for example, to pass difficult moments.
As I've been listen to Kevin Johansen more than any thing, I leave a link to listen to one of my favourite songs of him.
I think that the music is really important, at last for me, because I really enjoy the moments in my life when I can have the time to listen to the music that I like, for example, when I have to do something that I don’t like, as tiding up my room, or doing a work in the computer, I do them with music, it is 100% better than without music.
In general, I listen to music when I relax with friends, or when I have to travel on the bus, if I do it with music it is like I have time to relax before to get to my house to study for example.
I think that the music is important for health because it can help the people, for example, to pass difficult moments.
As I've been listen to Kevin Johansen more than any thing, I leave a link to listen to one of my favourite songs of him.
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009
My favorite food
Think in my favorite food it is really difficult to me, because I love all the food!!
But, in front to the question: What is your favorite food? My answer it is : raspberry ice cream!! I love the ice cream, and I can eat that the all day, or raspberry juice, or everything that’s have raspberry. But, that it is only one food, if I’m think in something to really eat, like in the lunch or dinner I like the food is vegetarian pancakes. The good about that food it is that you can cook with to ingredients, and you can mix in many ways, in that way you can have different flavors in a lunch…and that it is delicious !!
I like this food too because I know how cook that, because I’m not good in the kitchen, except to cook cakes, or sweet thinks. And this food it is too one of the favorites food of Gaston, my sun, so, the bouts really enjoy when I cook that. The problem it is that when I’m cook everything in the kitchen it is a disaster, I`m very meesy. I remember the day that I cook that and Kika go’s to my home, when she came see that I have all the dishes and pots for the all kitchen, and if we have to eat to one o’clock, we eat at 3.
Well, in conclusion I love eat, and that invite me to eat goodies thinks, especially if that food contains raspberry..or pancakes
But, in front to the question: What is your favorite food? My answer it is : raspberry ice cream!! I love the ice cream, and I can eat that the all day, or raspberry juice, or everything that’s have raspberry. But, that it is only one food, if I’m think in something to really eat, like in the lunch or dinner I like the food is vegetarian pancakes. The good about that food it is that you can cook with to ingredients, and you can mix in many ways, in that way you can have different flavors in a lunch…and that it is delicious !!
I like this food too because I know how cook that, because I’m not good in the kitchen, except to cook cakes, or sweet thinks. And this food it is too one of the favorites food of Gaston, my sun, so, the bouts really enjoy when I cook that. The problem it is that when I’m cook everything in the kitchen it is a disaster, I`m very meesy. I remember the day that I cook that and Kika go’s to my home, when she came see that I have all the dishes and pots for the all kitchen, and if we have to eat to one o’clock, we eat at 3.
Well, in conclusion I love eat, and that invite me to eat goodies thinks, especially if that food contains raspberry..or pancakes
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009
Places to visit in Santiago
I always live in Santiago, but I m not shore if I visit the more touristic places of the city, I think that have a lot of beautiful places only for the ambient that inspire.
I think that are some places that a tourist can´t not visit, the first place that have to visit it will be the San Cristobal hill, and of course play in the telesferic, because in that way he or she can see a big part of Santiago, and because it is really fun do it.
Other place that I recommended it will be walk for Lastarrias´ never, because it is a beautiful place to walk a Sunday afternoon, he can see and enjoy of the architecture, and maybe go to Forestal Park. This place it will be only for walk and be quiet for a wall, but if they want to fun it they can go to “Fantasilandia”, this place it really expenses, but if they have the money they can do it.
If it is people that like the museum they can visit the Bellas artes´s museum or the Science museum that it is in Quinta normal, I like more that museum that the other, and in that way they can stay for a wall in Quinta Normal.
And to the last I think that they have to visit Brasil´s square and be there the all day, and see the “chinchineros” and the families , and the simple thinks that are in that place.
I think that they will be a good places to visit.
I think that are some places that a tourist can´t not visit, the first place that have to visit it will be the San Cristobal hill, and of course play in the telesferic, because in that way he or she can see a big part of Santiago, and because it is really fun do it.
Other place that I recommended it will be walk for Lastarrias´ never, because it is a beautiful place to walk a Sunday afternoon, he can see and enjoy of the architecture, and maybe go to Forestal Park. This place it will be only for walk and be quiet for a wall, but if they want to fun it they can go to “Fantasilandia”, this place it really expenses, but if they have the money they can do it.
If it is people that like the museum they can visit the Bellas artes´s museum or the Science museum that it is in Quinta normal, I like more that museum that the other, and in that way they can stay for a wall in Quinta Normal.
And to the last I think that they have to visit Brasil´s square and be there the all day, and see the “chinchineros” and the families , and the simple thinks that are in that place.
I think that they will be a good places to visit.
sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009
The las movie that I saw
The last movie that I saw was Up!. The movie it is about an old man and a litlle boy. The old man has sad for the death of his wife, and the little boy, is a boy scout and want to help in any way to the old man , because is the way for recives a medal. Both fly through the sky in the house of the old man, with the help of many balloons and finally they come to South America. There they lives a lot of adventures, and after of all wonderful adventures, they becames friends. The central of the movie it is the realtionship that forms betwen the two characters. The old man that was a sad person and dont love any one that not be he is death wife finally love the little boy. The little boy for other way it was a really lonely boy, because he is fother never have time to him, and in the old man find someone that can love him and pass time with him.
The movie it is really good, I was to see it to the cine with my litlle son and he is father, and the three loves the movie. I see it again the other day with my son in our house, and again we laugh and pass a good time. I think that it is great that it is a movie to childrens and adults, so I recomendes to everyone.
And ofcourse my favorite part of the movie it is when they fly in the house full of baloons!!!!!
The movie it is really good, I was to see it to the cine with my litlle son and he is father, and the three loves the movie. I see it again the other day with my son in our house, and again we laugh and pass a good time. I think that it is great that it is a movie to childrens and adults, so I recomendes to everyone.
And ofcourse my favorite part of the movie it is when they fly in the house full of baloons!!!!!
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
A country I would to visit
I really don’t know other countries, and I m not sure about what country in particular I’d like to know. When I was younger I wanted to know Venetia, because I heard that it was a city full of water, but the truth is that I’d like to know Europe in general. Now one of the countries that I’d like to visit the most is Russia, but for its history. I think that I have a vision a little old about it and I’m sure that it is different as I figure it out. But, anyway, I’d like to visit it and be able to know how it is the people there and know more about its culture. I like the Russian literature more than anything, and it is because of it that I want to know it. Also I would like to go for its architecture.
I’d like visit the place with someone known there, because I wouldn’t like to go to live there, I wouldn’t like to go only as a tourist for a short time, because I’d like to know the people that live there . And as I have no idea about how to speak Russian it would be really useful come go there knowing someone.
I’d like visit the place with someone known there, because I wouldn’t like to go to live there, I wouldn’t like to go only as a tourist for a short time, because I’d like to know the people that live there . And as I have no idea about how to speak Russian it would be really useful come go there knowing someone.
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
post in english 4!!
This year 2009 has been a good year in general, a normal year.
In the academic area has been better the others semesters, I have better notes and I learn how study in a better way, I m more efficient that the last year, or I feel in that way. The bad it is that I not participle in others important activities, like sports or something like that, at least not outside of the university. But I take a really fun sport class, that it is obligatory in the university, he is name was “funny dance” and it was a big challenge to me, because I dance offal, and it is really hard to me take the ritm of the music, but any way was fun, and I not shore if I learned something, but I pass a good time and I did something of exercise .
The truth it is that my life has been almost the same that always this year, but in a good way, I been more relax and I can pass the time with my sun, and with my family. I see more an old friends to the school and things like that.
Now I been a little sad because my bigger sister lives the country, she going to study in España. I know that I miss hear, but any way I happy fore hear.
That it is almost everything.
In the academic area has been better the others semesters, I have better notes and I learn how study in a better way, I m more efficient that the last year, or I feel in that way. The bad it is that I not participle in others important activities, like sports or something like that, at least not outside of the university. But I take a really fun sport class, that it is obligatory in the university, he is name was “funny dance” and it was a big challenge to me, because I dance offal, and it is really hard to me take the ritm of the music, but any way was fun, and I not shore if I learned something, but I pass a good time and I did something of exercise .
The truth it is that my life has been almost the same that always this year, but in a good way, I been more relax and I can pass the time with my sun, and with my family. I see more an old friends to the school and things like that.
Now I been a little sad because my bigger sister lives the country, she going to study in España. I know that I miss hear, but any way I happy fore hear.
That it is almost everything.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
My last sesion in the english blog
Have to write in this blog has been fun, it is more dynamic that only hear about the grammatical roles in English, tough I m write bad are some class that I find fun, and the ambient in class it is nice, so write about different kind of things it is result not boring. So, I can say that I do enjoy write in that blog. But for my bad knowledge about computers and technology even the fact to have to create a blog and use it it was new, but now at least know how to use it.
I feel that my English is not really better then when I start, but I think that anyway it is work to practise, because I don’t have any other opportunity to write in English. I think that I have to learn more about the right way to write, but it is not a so badly beginning.
In my opinion I think that the advantages to use that way to practise are write way is that forces to us to learn, and find that way to do it, and other good aspect is that you’re only learn practising and really doing the things. And at least for mi it is good practise the writing and the reading, because the only way in that I was learn about English it is listening, for example watching tv or listening songs, but I never have to write in English , that is the reason that I don’t know some written words, because obviously it is not the same thing spoken that write. The disadvantages, for the other way are that I m not shore if I really improved, because I only write, and I m almost shore that I continue doing the same mistakes.
I feel that my English is not really better then when I start, but I think that anyway it is work to practise, because I don’t have any other opportunity to write in English. I think that I have to learn more about the right way to write, but it is not a so badly beginning.
In my opinion I think that the advantages to use that way to practise are write way is that forces to us to learn, and find that way to do it, and other good aspect is that you’re only learn practising and really doing the things. And at least for mi it is good practise the writing and the reading, because the only way in that I was learn about English it is listening, for example watching tv or listening songs, but I never have to write in English , that is the reason that I don’t know some written words, because obviously it is not the same thing spoken that write. The disadvantages, for the other way are that I m not shore if I really improved, because I only write, and I m almost shore that I continue doing the same mistakes.
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
I don´t have one ideal job. But if I start to imagine, I like that my job will include travels, but at the same time that I have a lot free time. I like can do researches in other countries and can live in those places, in that way I can know about this countries, and I can administrate my time. To do this I have to can related with the people, and know about other languages.
I like the idea to do researches, so I think that I have all the enthusiasm to do that kind of job, but I can be shore that I be really good, I case that if I prepare and do a lot of this thing with the time I can be really good. But find this kind of job it have to be really hart or at list the first of that job. I have to participle in some project, or create one, and the difficult part it is find someone that finances this kind of thinks. The other aspect that is difficult with that job is that I like travel with my family, so I suppose that I like to be for a long time in one country, like years, but move to others with the time.
I like the idea to do researches, so I think that I have all the enthusiasm to do that kind of job, but I can be shore that I be really good, I case that if I prepare and do a lot of this thing with the time I can be really good. But find this kind of job it have to be really hart or at list the first of that job. I have to participle in some project, or create one, and the difficult part it is find someone that finances this kind of thinks. The other aspect that is difficult with that job is that I like travel with my family, so I suppose that I like to be for a long time in one country, like years, but move to others with the time.
domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009
Sir Ken Robinson's talk
The team about Ken Robinson talks is a revelant think that the educatinal system have to be present. The importance of the education is an tremendously aspect to the society, and like Sir ken Robinson says, the fact that the educational system kill the creativity it is somthink that it turns out to be destructive to the children, that will transform in the adults who conform the society.
The problem is that we install values, like the academic intelligence, that are not the only ones that matter. Like the example thath he is give, there can have children with enormous talents in areas that incluide creativity, but they never be able to express it across the educational system. I think that it have to be rigth to the next of the educational system a family that have that present , because is more hard it to a children if the family have a way to teach that respects the same values that the educational system. We have to be present that the creativity and any other talent that a child has is so important as the academic excellence, because it is not the only important thing in the life of a person.
The problem is that we install values, like the academic intelligence, that are not the only ones that matter. Like the example thath he is give, there can have children with enormous talents in areas that incluide creativity, but they never be able to express it across the educational system. I think that it have to be rigth to the next of the educational system a family that have that present , because is more hard it to a children if the family have a way to teach that respects the same values that the educational system. We have to be present that the creativity and any other talent that a child has is so important as the academic excellence, because it is not the only important thing in the life of a person.
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009
My favorite subject
This semester is more specific about psychology. And one of my favourite subjects that semester is “psychopathology”. Are two professors that teach in this class, they are Luis Alvarado P and Jose Luis Rossi, one of themes is psychiatrist and the other is psychology. The idea of the curse is introduce ours in the psychopathology, considering that the psychopathology is the base to the clinical psychology and psychiatric to. They teach ours about de clinical diagnostic and the symptoms that the patients can present. Of that way we can recognise the descriptive and structural aspects that permit a compression and explication of the mental disorders.
I like that subject because I like the clinical area in psychology and it is the first approximation that we are have.
Still the moment I learn about some classification of mental disorders, and also the way in that we have to close to the patients.
I like that subject because I like the clinical area in psychology and it is the first approximation that we are have.
Still the moment I learn about some classification of mental disorders, and also the way in that we have to close to the patients.
domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009
In five years....
In five years I hope finish my carrier and be working in a lot of thinks.
I like can work in clinical psychology, and doing some caind of research in neuroscience. The truth is that in my profesional life Im not shure in wath I want to work, because I like many areas of psychology. I like in a feature can be a profesor to, but that is in many years I supouse, so, at the first I supouse that I be working, not teaching. But in a ideal future I like can work in many thinghs at the same time, or in diferent times but can do all the thinks that I want.
An in my personal life I hope can live with my sond and the fother of my sond, and be happy the trhee, my son have nine years old in five years, and he is father will be finished studying, I supouse.
I supouse that I live in Chile, maybe in many years I think in live in an other place, but in five years, still be Chile. I can go to study in other place, and te father of my son be a musicians, and can live in other place,maybe he have more luky in other country. I dont know.
I like can work in clinical psychology, and doing some caind of research in neuroscience. The truth is that in my profesional life Im not shure in wath I want to work, because I like many areas of psychology. I like in a feature can be a profesor to, but that is in many years I supouse, so, at the first I supouse that I be working, not teaching. But in a ideal future I like can work in many thinghs at the same time, or in diferent times but can do all the thinks that I want.
An in my personal life I hope can live with my sond and the fother of my sond, and be happy the trhee, my son have nine years old in five years, and he is father will be finished studying, I supouse.
I supouse that I live in Chile, maybe in many years I think in live in an other place, but in five years, still be Chile. I can go to study in other place, and te father of my son be a musicians, and can live in other place,maybe he have more luky in other country. I dont know.
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
Someone in my Area

I`m studing psychology in the University of Chile. I`m in second year, and between of the professors that I have at the moment I find that Esteban Radiszcz is very good in he`s area. Maybe is not the best of the professors, but he `s really know about what teach.
He is Doctor in Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis and DEA in Fundamental Psychology and Psychoanalysis. He`s impart the class of Psychology of personality in the University of Chile, in the second semester to the first year.
He has been public ate in different reviews about psychology, nationals and international, about different topics, like the bulimia or others teams about psychoanalysis.
I find that he is good in he`s area, but I really don`t know a another professors that know about the psychoanalysis too, so like he has been are only professor I find hem really great has a psychoanalysis professor. And I liked too how he does the class. I think that he is like me because the area that he teach and he is dedicate I liked too.
He is Doctor in Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis and DEA in Fundamental Psychology and Psychoanalysis. He`s impart the class of Psychology of personality in the University of Chile, in the second semester to the first year.
He has been public ate in different reviews about psychology, nationals and international, about different topics, like the bulimia or others teams about psychoanalysis.
I find that he is good in he`s area, but I really don`t know a another professors that know about the psychoanalysis too, so like he has been are only professor I find hem really great has a psychoanalysis professor. And I liked too how he does the class. I think that he is like me because the area that he teach and he is dedicate I liked too.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
About my carrer
I`m studying psychology.
I chose this career because I want to study something related with the Human beings , and specifically with their minds. First, I want to study psychiatry, for the study of mind, but considering the options I chose psychology. Once that I started to study the career it was a very useful tool to contribute to the society. Because when you think in psychology the first that comes to your mind is to help people with the clinical psychology , or at least I think in that way. But I realize that the psychology as a science of the society is useful for a many parts of life of the people, as the educational psychology , juridical and communitarian. The 3 themes help people in different areas of their lives.
In my career it is necessary to have superior studies, it is not enough with the studies and knowledge that you acquire with the first studies, you need a master in the area as minimums. And of course you are going to need a lot of practice , in the specialization that you choose.
I`m in second year, so there is too much to study. I`m not sure about where is my favorite subject, maybe the subjects that have to see with the social area of the psychology, not only the person in the clinical situations, as social psychology. And I liked too the areas in the clinical related with the psychoanalysis, we have a subject names personality psychology.
I chose this career because I want to study something related with the Human beings , and specifically with their minds. First, I want to study psychiatry, for the study of mind, but considering the options I chose psychology. Once that I started to study the career it was a very useful tool to contribute to the society. Because when you think in psychology the first that comes to your mind is to help people with the clinical psychology , or at least I think in that way. But I realize that the psychology as a science of the society is useful for a many parts of life of the people, as the educational psychology , juridical and communitarian. The 3 themes help people in different areas of their lives.
In my career it is necessary to have superior studies, it is not enough with the studies and knowledge that you acquire with the first studies, you need a master in the area as minimums. And of course you are going to need a lot of practice , in the specialization that you choose.
I`m in second year, so there is too much to study. I`m not sure about where is my favorite subject, maybe the subjects that have to see with the social area of the psychology, not only the person in the clinical situations, as social psychology. And I liked too the areas in the clinical related with the psychoanalysis, we have a subject names personality psychology.
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
Sportacus and I

In this photography is my son and I. He have almost four years old, but this picture it was taken in he´s birthday number 3. It was in the morning, he´s first present was a costume from Sportacus, he´s favorite superhero, so when we give it, the only thing that he wanted was dress like hem. And of course that he wanted that I was a superhero too, only that with my pajama.
The photography was tacked by he`s dad. And obviously that when he tacked he laugh. This day he was with the camera all the time.
This is not my favorite picture with my son, but when I see it I laugh a lot. It was a beautiful day, he was with this costume all day, and he exercises all day, like Sportacus. And although was candy to eat, he wanted eat fruit, because is that the superhero does.
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
My favorite piece of technology

I`m not really a good friend of technolgy, almost I don`t know how to use a PC.
But I love having an mp3. It`s an object to listen to music, and it works to save information in it.
My first mp3 it was a present for my birthday, two years ago. But it doesn`t work any more. So my brother gave me another one, smaller and almost without a memory, but any way I like it. That one also it`s not working, but because I need a cable to recharge, and that cable it`s bad. So I use my brother`s mp3.
I love soo much the mp3 because I use it when I travel on the bus, on the transantiago, every day. and with all the people, and the time that it takes the travel is really nice to listen to music. From this way the travel is not soo bad.
So, I use it every day like four times . And when it is not working I hate traveling on the bus, because I`m bored and sleepy.
The good thing is that I listen to the bus musicians, but when they do not board on the bus, it`s boring again. That is why I think that an mp3 or something similar is that everyone needs to have to be happy on the bus.
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
Hello. This is an introduccion about me.
My name is Josefina Olivares, i'm 19 years old.
I`m from to Chile, I live in La Florida and I`m study psychology in Universidad de Chile, I`m in my second year.
I have a son, i live with him, my mother and my brother.
I was born on 16 April in 1989, my birthday comes soon.
My name is Josefina Olivares, i'm 19 years old.
I`m from to Chile, I live in La Florida and I`m study psychology in Universidad de Chile, I`m in my second year.
I have a son, i live with him, my mother and my brother.
I was born on 16 April in 1989, my birthday comes soon.
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