viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

post in english 4!!

This year 2009 has been a good year in general, a normal year.
In the academic area has been better the others semesters, I have better notes and I learn how study in a better way, I m more efficient that the last year, or I feel in that way. The bad it is that I not participle in others important activities, like sports or something like that, at least not outside of the university. But I take a really fun sport class, that it is obligatory in the university, he is name was “funny dance” and it was a big challenge to me, because I dance offal, and it is really hard to me take the ritm of the music, but any way was fun, and I not shore if I learned something, but I pass a good time and I did something of exercise .
The truth it is that my life has been almost the same that always this year, but in a good way, I been more relax and I can pass the time with my sun, and with my family. I see more an old friends to the school and things like that.
Now I been a little sad because my bigger sister lives the country, she going to study in España. I know that I miss hear, but any way I happy fore hear.
That it is almost everything.

4 comentarios:

  1. josefin you are soooo normaljojo you are boring.
    but i liked go to dance with you

  2. jo, i rembember ou funny movements in funny dance, but i also remember our spectacular performance for our test, didnt you ??

  3. oneeeeeeeeee colouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur!

    soooooooo "normal", with many many "comillas", I dont know how that it says that XD

    bye bye

  4. Funny dance? that's cool! I hope to watch you dance sometime XD.
    Nice post! Cheer up Jose!
    see you in class!
    P.D.: your chocolates are awesome!!
