viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

My last blog!!

The academic year it is almost over, it is November now, and this was the last week of class that I have, it was really tiring, but I have to admit that in part was a consequence of all the academic year, specially the second semester. This was my second year in the university, so I curse the third and four semester and in general way it wasn´t so bad, but it was really worse that my first year, and specially this second semester of my second year I wasn´t motivate for study, so my academic performance it was much lower than all the others semester.
At first of the year I wasn’t so motivate for study, but any way I did, and I study at late in night, I read almost every text and it was a good semester in the academic aspect, I did not do any final text, and I have good scours. I think that one of the things that influence in that I wasn’t to motivate was that the signatures that I have it wasn´t really to my interest , except one or two, at difference then when I start my first year, that every signatures it look interested, because it was all new. I think that between the few things that I like was my dance class, that it was a extra signature, that was compulsory, but it works really fun. If a review my second semester I was really loose for study, I think that my motivation it wasn’t exist , even with my favorites signatures, I can´t wake up early in the morning, so I come late to class, or in the night I sleep early and I don´t study enough. That was really important, because my marks was a lot lower that the all other semester.
If a review my academic year, related with my first year, in a conclusion way I can see that my motivate for study has been increasingly falling, but that is not that I don’t like the carrier or anything like that, it simply that I wasn’t tired in a general way, and put my energy in study it was really hard. But I learn that I have to study with more time, to in that way I don’t have to study desperately the last week, and I have two weeks extra for vacation, because I don present any final test, it is a good moral to learn.

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