viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in my discipline

I study psychology, and the challenges that haves this carrier is very related with social matters, in many aspects.
First of all, psychology lies within the social science, an as one of this areas it is in volt in many studies about social problems. The psychology haves different areas of study, one of this it is the community psychology, an this one have huge challenges, because it is very in volt with the problems that the people haves in many aspects, and one of the biggest challenges is proposed it is can understand and help the people with this problems in many aspects of hers life. This psychology it is related with the social psychology, and other challenge that presents from this perspective it is can aboard this social problems from the perspective of the people, and not only as psychology as a science. Actually this it is one of the biggest challenges that haves as social science, can work with the people and to the people. In the many areas that have the psychology can work with the people in a good way it is one of the principal aspects to aboard, so it is one of the biggest challenges. In the clinical psychology the challenge it is always changing, but the principal it is find better treatments and answers to the problems of mental health.
For other side, are challenges in the aspects of the education that we receive, and this it is fundamental for later practice as a psychologist. One of this challenges it is can be updated in the many researches in psychology, because the most are from USA or Europe, and are written in English, so we have to or read in this language or we stay really late of the information that it is being used. So in the aspect of the education, the challenge it is like in others carrier it is treat of have the best access to the information, and treat to be in a good place to learn.

4 comentarios:

  1. hi jo!

    I agree with you with that challenges in psychology.

    see ya


  2. About the last point, I think one important thing is also generate more knowledge, and not only have good resources to search it.

    See you!!

  3. I'm agree with you,
    the challenges are always changing,
    good post,

  4. Josefina congratulations because it's clear enough you've been improving your writing skills, well done!!
