viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

My faculty

I think that my faculty it is not the best, but if you compare with the others faculties of the campus it is one of the best. I think that are many thinks that the faculty could improve, but obviously some are more important than others, and some are more expensive too.
I think that in general the faculty works fine, but for example at the final of semester the computer room collapse, and you never can find a computer to do your works. And other problem it is with the classroom when rains.
I think that this two things have their solution in invest more money to the maintenance of the faculty, but I have to say that recently put more computers and that resolve a little the problem, and it is much less the people that it can works in they. As I can`t do anything really to fix that, the only thing that I can do it is suggest maybe to the decant or to the people that administrate the finance, but I suppose that they think in this things too . I think that this things are really probable that happens, and that obviously they have to fix, but are other things that I think that it is more difficult that actually made, like put sofas in the hall of the faculty, that are not really necessary to study.
I think that this are things really basics that you need to have in your university, so the benefits that you have to this it will be many, like not be worry for cannot print you’re work at time.

4 comentarios:

  1. sofas! yes!

    yes yes yes! infinite yes for you :)

    (L) love to you jo.

    and that's it for today

  2. I know that you will be all days at the sofas taking a delightful nap ....

    sweet dreams

  3. I'm agree with you... we need more computers.

    take care

    see ya


  4. I forget to speak to you on the baths!
